There are several levels of hiring help when you are moving. You can pack on your own and then have a removalist load and move the items for you to your new location. The other option is they come in and they pack for you and then load it and move it. Of course, it is cheaper to pack on your own, but you also have to think about the time involved.
Select your help very carefully and make sure they don’t have a long list of complaints against them. The cost will depend on how far they are moving your goods, the weight of your goods, and their pricing. You should be able to get a free estimate without any obligation. Do this early on so you aren’t in a rush to make a final decision about who to hire.
If you decide to pack on your own, do it over several weeks. Get various size boxes and packing materials. Don’t over pack the weight of a given box. Start with items you don’t need such as out of season clothing and wall decorations. Go through each room and pack up what you can do without, first. In the final weeks, start to pack up more items you can do without. Use towels to pack your dishes so they don’t get broken. Every box should be clearly labelled with what is in it and which room of the new home it goes into.
Get in touch with the utility companies early so you know what the process will be. If you choose to remain with the same service provider, you can get them to transfer the service from one location on a given date and start it at the new location on another date. If you are changing providers, you will need to call one to cancel and one to schedule a new installation. Talk to the post office early too so you can fill out the necessary paperwork for your mail to be forwarded. As you pay your bills and go through your mail that following month, make sure you include the change of address with all correspondence. The same is true if you pay any bills online.