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Questions to ask a Potential Real Estate Agent

Jul 31, 2019

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Before you agree to hire any real estate agent, you need to ask them some questions. Some people hesitate to do this as they don’t want to pry or seem difficult to work with. The truth is, it makes sense to ask any potential agent some key questions. You don’t want to leave something this important to chance! A quality real estate agent isn’t going to mind your inquiries.

How long have you been an agent and why?

Find out what their experience is and how long they have been a real estate agent. There are perks to working with a seasoned agent. However, don’t rule out newbies, because they are often very motivated. They don’t have lots of clients yet so they have more time to get your house noticed and sold. Ask them why they became an agent and what they like about it the most.

Do you currently have clients interested in homes and how many sales have you had in the last 3 months?

It isn’t out of line to ask about how many sales they have had in the past few months. This gives you an idea of their motivation and about the movement in the market. Knowing if they have clients looking for a home like yours can also help you to see them as a bridge to assist you and the other party involved. Don’t be shy to ask them for references or contacts of other people they have helped to sell homes for recently.

What do you think is a good selling price?

A professional opinion about a selling price can help you to be on target, otherwise emotional connections can cause you to go too high or a desperate need to sell can cause you to go too low. Ask them what they are basing that figure on too. To go even further, ask them how long they think it will take for your home to sell and why.

What forms of advertising will you use to promote the home and what will it cost?

Never assume a real estate agent is going to use a multitude of advertising means to help you promote the home. Make sure you know exactly what methods they will put in place. Ask them to give you a good idea of the cost involved in such promotional efforts too. Ensure you inquire about their cost for promoting your home so you can budget for such costs.