Avoid getting caught up in more debt than you can reasonably manage. You may have big plans for the property such as fixing it up and renting it out. Yet there can be expenses and complications along the way. Make sure you are ready for the unknown and you are flexible with your plans. When you have extra funds, pay on your non-tax debt first. Once you eliminate that completely, then you can focus on your tax deductible debts. This includes property such as a home or a vehicle.
The value of your property will hopefully increase over time. Yet there is no guarantee about that. The economy can be unpredictable and you also have to factor in the issue of depreciation. Make sure you take advantage of depreciation issues on your taxes too, as this can reduce the tax liability you are accountable for. The best way to find out is to hire a professional to take care of your taxes when you have invested in property.
Don’t overlook the issue of inflation when it comes to what you will charge for rent on your investment property. Each time the lease is renewed it may be necessary to increase the rental amount by a bit to compensate for the rental rates and for inflation. It doesn’t matter if you are renewing the lease with the same tenants or you have new ones moving in.
When you rent out the investment property, you are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep. Make sure you budget for this as the cost of repairs or replacing appliances can be expensive. You may decide you want to hire someone to take care of reported problems for you versus you trying to do the work on your own or calling a professional each time there is a reported incident by the tenant.